5 Signs Your Hardwood Floors Are in Danger

by | May 19, 2021 | Flooring General, Hardwood, Home Tips

Does your home feature hardwood flooring? Whether they are a recent addition or came with the house, hardwood floors are a stunning feature in any property, bringing plenty of styles, flair, and drama to your space. While these beautiful floors are designed to last, they take a little more care to keep them looking their best compared to other flooring options.

Knowing how to care for your floors will help extend the life of your planks, as well and maintain their lustre. Below, we’ll highlight 5 common indications something might be wrong with your hardwood floors. Read on to learn more!

1. Unusual Gaps

The reality of hardwood floors is that they will almost always have at least a small degree of spacing between planks, simply due to the nature of how they are installed and the fact that they expand and contract with temperature shifts between seasons. With that being said, if the gaps between your planks are too large, your floors are likely at risk for damage, especially where water damage and moisture build-up are concerned. If you’ve noticed the distance between the gaps in your planking shifting or increasing, it’s worthwhile to have a professional take a look before further damage has the chance to take place.

2. Warping

Warping (also known as cupping) is another major danger faced by hardwood floors and a sure indication that something is wrong. Warping is caused by prolonged exposure to moisture or water, which causes the plans to sag and/or contort over time. If you notice any sign of this, it’s crucial to seek assistance immediately; if left too long, warping can become irreversible and lead to more serious issues like mould growth under your flooring which poses health risks to the whole family.

3. Buckling

Like warping, buckling is typically caused when hardwood becomes (and stays) moist, but can also happen if planks are laid in a fashion that doesn’t leave room for them to expand and contract as temperatures change. Buckling can cause significant damage to the plank, as well as surrounding pieces, and should be handled ASAP to minimize the overall damage.

4. Peeling

While the finish on most hardwood floors will last at least 10 years with proper care, this time frame can be significantly decreased if you fail to attend to your floors suitably. Exposure to prolonged direct sunlight, excessive moisture, harsh chemicals, and other damaging factors can cause the finish to erode and peel, at which point sanding and refinishing typically becomes the best option.

5. Scuffing, dents and more

As with above, if you fail to care for your floors properly, they can begin to show progressive signs of damage like scuffs, stains and dents quite quickly. While your best tool here is prevention, should you notice them developing or want to rectify them within your new purpose, you’ll need professional assistance.

Need more helping care for hardwood floors or integrating them into your home? Contact our team in Edmonton today!