Spring has sprung, and with it comes spring cleaning! As you swap your wardrobe, clear out old drawers and organize the clutter in your home, don’t forget to deep-clean the floors. While regular sweeping and occasional vacuuming keeps your floors clean, they don’t always reach under the couch, behind the tables and between the furniture. After dusting the shelves, cleaning the kitchen and wiping down your portraits, it’s time to tackle the floor! Read on to learn about different deep cleaning techniques for a variety of flooring options below!
Deep Cleaning Carpet Flooring
We all know that the first step to cleaning your carpet is by breaking out the vacuum and doing a thorough cleaning. During your initial vacuuming, start from the farthest point from the room’s entryway and work your way toward the door. Now, remember, a quick once-over won’t cut it when deep cleaning your carpet. Keep an eye out for any lingering stains on your carpet, and if you notice any discolouration, take care of it immediately.
If you’ve washed off any stains, you will need to extract as much water from your carpet as possible by going over the spots more than once with your machine. After the initial vacuuming, make sure to go over the hard-to-reach places using the wand attachments on your vacuum. When you’re done, keep the room well-ventilated using an air-conditioner, fans, a dehumidifier or opening a window to ensure that the carpet is completely dry.
Tip: Avoid walking or putting furniture on the carpet when it’s drying to avoid damaging the fibres!
Deep Cleaning Laminate Flooring
Start your deep cleaning by sweeping away any dirt or debris on your laminate floors. While some homeowners use a vacuum to clean their floors, they risk the possibility of damaging the flooring. It’s always recommended to use a microfibre mop when cleaning laminate floors as they don’t scratch the surface and help soak up any moisture. After the initial sweep, you can start tackling tougher stains using laminate-friendly cleaning solutions that won’t damage the surface.
You can also make your own laminate floor wash right at home by combining ½ cup of white vinegar with ½ cup of rubbing alcohol and mixing them with ½ cup of filtered water (feel free to add a few drops of your favourite scented essential oils into the mixture as well!). The vinegar and rubbing alcohol will help break down tough stains and grime without hurting the laminate flooring and evaporate quickly without pooling or leaving streaks. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients together, pour the mixture into a glass spray bottle and lightly spray the floors as needed, making sure to wipe the floor dry with a clean cloth or microfiber towel.
Looking For Fabulous Floors This Spring?
Ashley Fine Floors is here to help! Visit our flooring store in Edmonton for countless flooring options, including laminate flooring, carpet, tile flooring and more! We’re located at 14340 111 Ave and are open from Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. You can also contact us at (780) 454-9503 for more information on our available flooring options!
For more tips on keeping your tile and vinyl flooring flooring clean this spring, check out our next blog!