Keeping your Carpets Spring Clean Fresh Year Round

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Flooring General, Home Tips

As part three of our ‘Spring Clean’ series, Ashley Fine Floors is pleased to offer our top tips for caring for the carpet in your home. As a carpet supplier for the Edmonton and Calgary areas, our staff our frequently asked how to best maintain products once they are installed in a customer’s home. To make sure your carpets stay fresh and free of mold or allergens, follow these easy steps!

Vacuum your highest traffic areas daily if possible

While it may seem like a bit of a chore, give your space a quick once over will work wonders to preventing the overall build-up of dirt, grime, dust and more. Again, you don’t have to worry about being overly meticulous, but every little bit helps. Plan to do a more thorough clean once a week, and a professional deep treatment every 12-18 months to promote the best longevity possible. If you have pets, you’ll want to get a vacuum that balances the need for a deep cleaner without being too abrasive to the carpet fibres themselves.

Book your deep clean well in advance, and to avoid the treated area anywhere from 8-24 hours

If you’re thinking of having your carpets cleaned during the typical peak season (hint: spring and fall), try to contact your cleaner well in advance. Cleaners book up fast, so being proactive is in your best interest. One other thing to keep in mind is that treated floors take the time to dry, meaning you’ll need to avoid the area while moisture evaporates.

Spot clean spills and stains as they happen

Staying on top spills and stains will help you avoid lasting damage. Use microfiber cloths and paper towels to mop up moisture and blot out stains. If your stain is of the trickier variety, you may need to enlist the help of a spot cleaner. In that case, follow the directions carefully, and use only the necessary amount to avoid accidental moisture build up carpet burns or other unfortunate mishaps. Remember to always blot stains and spills, not rub!

Use mats to prevent the tracking of mud and dirt

Prevention is the best treatment for any flooring. Placing area rugs or mats in key areas will help reduce the wear and tear on your carpet as well as trap pesky dirt particles before they hit your carpet. Remember to vacuum and shake this out regularly as well, or eventually, the trapped grit will migrate.

Want to learn more about having carpet installed in your home? Give us a call today!