Signs of Carpet Rot: What to Look For and How to Treat It

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Flooring General, Home Tips

Have you recently experienced a water leak in your home and are wondering if your carpet has sustained lasting damage? Moulding carpets pose significant health and structural damage if left untreated. Read on to learn how to spot the signs of carpet rot before it’s too late!

When should I be worried?

If your carpets are older, located in higher risk areas (basements, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.), or have been exposed to lots of moisture, it’s best to keep a careful eye on things to make sure you don’t fall victim to mould. As carpets age, and especially when located in the areas mentioned above, the fibres degrade, leaving the area more susceptible to water damage. The average lifespan for a high traffic area carpet is roughly seven years compared to 12 years or more for low traffic areas. If you’re coming to the tail end of these time periods, you’ve probably begun to notice some natural wear and tear. If things are seeming a little more lacklustre than expected, however, you may want to have things looked at.

Are there visible signs of mould?

Not to be confused with signs of accelerated ageing, sometimes certain types of fungus can become visible on the carpet surface after acute exposure to water or other contaminants. Depending on the source, you may be able to spot clean without needing to replace things completely. If you know for certain that the cause of your mould problem is containable (i.e. a piece of food that got discarded and forgotten and has since been removed), you can likely get away with cleaning the area with a portable cleaner and call it a day. A word of caution here: if you don’t know for sure that your mould source has been contained, or that it hasn’t penetrated past the surface, it’s best to take a deeper look.

Are your allergies out of control?

If you find your allergies are exceeding your typical seasonal reactions, carpet rot may be an option to consider, especially in homes with pets. Pet dander can work its way into fibres, making it harder to vacuum up. In addition, the dirt, dust, residual fecal matter, and moisture that cling to Fido’s paws can be particularly hard on carpet materials, making it critical to maintain best practices. Always wipe your pet’s paws before they run loose in the house to minimize the exposure to harmful particles that could lead to rot and decay.

Notice a particular smell that just won’t go away?

If there’s a lingering musty scent in the air even after a deep clean, especially in basements or bathrooms, you’re likely going to want to have your carpets evaluated. Mould spores carry a distinctive odor that is both distinct and dangerous. If you’ve noticed a smell hanging around, it’s better to be safe and contact professionals right away.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your home, Ashley Fine Floor’s experts can help. Contact us today and we’re happy to help you find the best solution!