Cork Flooring: Your Eco-Friendly Solution!

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Flooring General

Looking to refresh your home or complete your new space with a quality flooring solution that’s stylish, durable, and eco-conscious? Cork flooring may be the right fit! As a relatively new addition to the flooring world, cork vinyl offers a wide variety of benefits to property owners. Perks include:


Cork is extremely flexible as a compound, making it resistant to cracking, abrasions, and less vulnerable to gas and liquids. It is also able to withstand the demands of regular foot traffic, even offering a softer surface for those standing for long periods of time.

Resistant to Bacteria

Due to its composition, cork is naturally resistant to the bacteria that would typically lead to mould growth and the presence of other allergens. This makes it a fantastic option for those with pets, little ones, or those simply wanting to minimize the presence of dander in their home for health reasons.

Fantastic Insulator

For those of us familiar with the lovely temperature fluctuations that come with the Albertan landscape, you’ll know just how nice it is to set foot on a warm floor on chillier mornings. Cork flooring can be installed over radiant heating, and due to its insulating qualities, it will retain ambient temperature that helps keep your home warm.

Gentle on the Environment

Unlike several flooring counterparts, cork is unique in that it does not harm trees during its production, and is easy on the environment as a whole. For those looking for a sustainable, environmentally conscious solution, this is often a winning factor over other options.

Looking to add some style to your home or office? Ashley Fine Floors has a wide selection of flooring options, including hardwood, vinyl, and cork to meet your flooring needs. Contact us today to learn more!